Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Not So Bad

I really am not quite as down as I might seem, but house upkeep is a big frustration of mine right now. In order to keep this house clean, that would have to be all I do all day everyday because there is constant pooey all over the place. So, instead of blogging right now, I'm going to go clean the whole house again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Whenever I am first pregnant, I wish I could have someone stand there and remind me 20 times a day, "Margaret, it's normal to feel that way right now!" It *IS* an Eeyore time. Hormones are changing and emotions are weird and everything is a little off.

It's OK to feel this way! I validate you 110%!!

As far as the housekeeping goes, you are a new family, which means you do not have a place for everything. Systems take years to create. Piles are a sad, frustrating part of life. They annoy me to no end. On Wednesdays the children come home with a week's worth of stuff and it ends up on my bed ... the "show mom" spot. I feel like I have to cycle through a huge pile before I go to bed. AAAAAAAAAAGH!

What I'm trying to say is that you're doing great! Don't worry too much. You are finding your rhythm. Everyone has to do it, just like you had to learn baby-juggling when E. was born. I'll bet right now you do not think she is too hard, but at one point she may have been pretty much your whole focus, 24-7. It's all normal, and all part of growth. Pat yourself on the back and have a bowl of ice cream!

I love you, Sister, and my prayers are with you during this exciting and amazing and stressful time.

