Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Idol Girls

I'm not going to bother narrowing it to three. There are five I LOVE:

Lakisha Jones
Melinda Doolittle
Sabrina Sloan
Jordin Sparks
Stephanie Edwards

And, I'll AGAIN say goodbye to Antonella Barba. The other to drop out is hard, not because I like the rest so much or anything, but because the other three are so similar in their mediocrity. But, I think I'll go with Gina Glocksen, because her pitch was worse than the others, even though compared to Alaina, Haley, and Leslie she has a much stronger nicer voice.

So, for tomorrow, to leave, I pick:
Antonella Barba
Gina Glocksen
Sanjaya Malakar
AJ Tabaldo

Sorry guys...

1 comment:

Real said...

Sometimes it actually stresses me out trying to pick two that I want to leave. And then I have to remind myself that I don't have to pick two to get kicked off, I just have to pick a few that I like the best and let America do the rest.

But I can't ever vote. (Except Clay's season.) Because voting is somehow too plebeian for me, or something...