Tuesday, January 30, 2007


As of right now, I feel pretty good. I'm trying to be optimistic, and maybe the emotional roller coaster I've been riding (one that goes below ground level but never rises up more than, say, 10 feet) is a good sign that the pregnancy is continuing on normally. For a large part of Saturday and Monday I was depressed and pretty much resigned to the fact that I was going to miscarry. Then, everytime I feel normal and there is no spotting, I feel like I've been unreasonable. I know that certain parts of my body already act pregnant. This was particularly obvious as we were walking on campus last night (quite quickly!). I kind of felt like I was waddling already, even though there is absolutely no lump to be seen! The pelvic bones that normally spread later (at least later in pregnancy #1), have already been hurting me all night long, and they were also bothering me a little while we were walking. It's weird to FEEL pregnant, and have it not have anything to do with a big belly! And since I still FEEL pregnant, I'm currently feeling optimistic, even though that weird pain still comes and goes. Some thoughts about that are/were: ectopic pregnancy (pretty sure not), blood clot (symptoms aren't right), corpus luteum cyst (I have no way of knowing myself), or something totally normal that I haven't experienced that is a little stronger than what other people normally feel but is not dangerous in anyway (this would be nice). Another cool thing is that last night, I'm pretty sure I could feel my uterus a little bit. It's so little compared to a very pregnant one, but it has to be bigger than normal, since I felt it. I can't normally feel it. So if I'm right and that was my pregnant uterus, that's another good reason to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

And thanks Bonnie and Andrya! I love knowing I have support like you guys!


Anonymous said...

the early symptoms/spotting and round ligament pain this early could be indicative of multiples, couldn't it?

Real said...

I like to lie on my back and feel my small little pregnant uterus (just a few weeks along) first thing in the morning. The full bladder really makes it pop up there and be much more noticeable.

Peg Lewis said...

Hi, Manda - We're thinking of you, and now that we've heard about this, adding you to our prayer list. Your optimism is catching! When I had my early miscarriage, I had stopped feeling pg, so all you're experiencing seems like a really good sign to me!