Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I suppose I should mention on here, for the record, that Little Chub is fully walking now. It's very cute! And she lost one of her Robeez shoes that our friends gave her for her birthday (expensive!!). It's sad. I hope we can find it! She loses everything! We just barely found Peter's phone in her toy drawer and his keys in her toybox, to go with the fact that she threw MY keys away, which means when we move, we have to pay for the apartment to be rekeyed, and we only have the valet key to our car.

Little Chub got to find Easter eggs for the first time (of course the first time...) on Sunday. Next year we'll probably do it on Saturday, but since it wasn't anything major this year, we just did it on Sunday. She was cute, going from one place to another collecting all of her colored eggs. We didn't get a chance to dye eggs though, but we definitely will next year! What do all of you do for Easter?

Last night, Little Chub woke me up multiple times per hour, and she does NOT know how to fall back asleep without nursing. So, since I can't nurse her and sleep at the same time because my body can't fully relax in that position, I feel like I was awake all night long. And I am grumpy! She woke up at her normal time saying "Dat?" with a big smile on her face, and I didn't smile at her out of the principle of the matter, and then I felt guilty. So yeah. She's making NO progress toward sleeping through the night, and we're having another in 5 months??? How exactly is THAT going to work? I have no idea what to do. Any suggestions?

On the bright side, I get to go swimming today! And tomorrow and the next day! Yay!

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