Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nice vs. Opinionated

Back in the day, I used to be a really really nice, sweet person. If there was one word anyone had to pick to describe me, it was always nice or sweet. That was when I was a kid, up until about age 12. Then, something happened. I developed all these opinions. Sometimes I find myself saying things that astonish even me (actually, probably more me than anyone else), and I wonder, 'Where did that nice, sweet me go?' This has actually been the cause of a lot of my self-esteem issues. Not that they're major or anything. And that's part of the problem. I have this little package of problems called judgment and pride. Here's how it goes: First, you develop all these opinions, and you let them govern how you think the world should be run. Then, when someone or something comes along that doesn't conform to your opinions, your habitual opinions cause you you to pass judgment on the situation, which in effect is causing you to pass judgment, in a way, on the person in 'control' of the situation. When conversation comes up, instead of accepting how things are, you feel that you MUST verbalize your opinions and make them sound LOGICAL so that someone would be stupid not to agree with you. And no matter how normal you manage to make it sound, YOU know in your head that what you've just said is not as innocent as it sounds and that you are not a nice person. And that makes you sad. It hurts your self-esteem. But that doesn't matter. Your self-esteem is already so inflated that it could actually use quite a few more of these puncture wounds. Self-esteem=Pride, in this case.

My goal in life right now is to TRULY return to being that nice person I used to be. To stop letting my opinions govern who I am. Instead, I should strive to live by the wise words of Christ in his Sermon on the Mount. My goal is to be 'pure of heart.'


Real said...

How many discussions have my husband and I had regarding me on this very issue. Not in a bad way. I just keep talking to him about it.

I'm very opiniated about mostly everything except politics where I am totally ignorant and don't even know what to have opinions on.

Because of such strong feelings, I worry about condemning people. I try to really separate a judgment or condemnation of an act or philosophy or theory or whatever from condemnation of a person.

I mean, we are SUPPOSED to judge--right from wrong, good from bad, truth from not truth. That's what our brains are for. It's the condemnation part that's bad. Not only because it's "not nice" but because we could very well be wrong.

Elizabeth said...

Maybe it's not judgement, but manipulation that is the issue? Maybe you feel like you're manipulating people into agreeing with you??? (I don't know, just trying to interpret?) I do agree with you that there's one thing to be opinionated, another thing to 'you're dumb if you don't agree' someone into agreeing with you LOL!

Noble sentiments! You're right, we all need to be striving to perfect ourselves all the time.

But, just so you know, you're pretty awesome as you are! :)