Monday, November 05, 2007


I've decided that I actually want to have a waist again. And I really don't want to wait the 9-10 months that it took after Chub was born, and that only gave me a partial one anyway, so, I've come up with a plan. I've already been going to the gym Monday-Thursday morning and doing yoga on Friday mornings, plus I added in a run on Saturday morning this past weekend as well, which I'd like to keep doing. Unfortunately, due to time constraints related to having children and a husband who actually does need to leave the house sometimes, on the days I go to the gym I'm only able to do 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on a combination of stationary bikes, ellipticals, stairmasters, and treadmills, with some abs and weights for a few minutes afterwards. I also walk there and back, which is about a half mile each way. So, until we can afford to buy a double jogger (I REALLY want this one, but this one will do), I've decided on a "crunch plan":

*For every piece of candy I eat (which isn't very frequent, but it's post-Halloween right now...), 50 crunches.
*For every dessert I eat, 100 crunches
*For every meal with potato or white rice, 100 crunches
*For every time I eat white bread, 100 crunches

This helps me eat better, and helps offset at least a little when I make poor eating choices.

Think it'll work?


Real said...

One thing to remember (and it kills me) is that doing crunches strengthens your abs, but doesn't necessarily mean you will lose fat around your waist. It's the aerobic exercise that makes you lose fat and you can't really choose where you burn it from.

Real said...
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MandaMommy said...

Thanks--that's a good point. I really really need to find more time for more cardiovascualr exercise!