Friday, August 24, 2007

Looking for good books

I need some suggestions for some good books to read (fiction). Any age group, any length. Please!


Real said...

Yeah, me too. I haven't read anything in a long time.

Katie Richins said...

Me, too!

Elizabeth said...

I'm really enjoying Sharon Shinn these days-- the sci-fi Archangel books as well as the her fantasy works-- her first novel was the Shapechanger's Wife and is incredible.

Dick Francis just came out with a new book-- his first in decades I believe. It's awesome.

Horseplay by Judith Renee Singer is irreverant and hilarious-- a horse book for grown ups. I died laughing.

more as I think of them...

Katie Richins said...

Some of my all time favorites - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and Howards' End.

Anonymous said...

Tom Jones by Henry Fielding. Most hilarious book I've ever read. Including Horseplay. The movie of TJ is pretty great, too...the colors in that movie were breathtaking for us back in the early 60s.

I really liked Hawaii by Michener, too. I wonder if he did one on Alaska.

And of course, Call of the Wild, because you've been there. It's available for download online (printed version, not audio - don't know about audio).

This should get you through. D and I read Hawaii out loud to each other the night we were really in labor with Van. So there's a precedent. Of course we didn't finish it that night - the labor was long but not that long!

Love, G of All